
Thanks for inspiring the panda, Christi! |
Chloe: Aren`t I KAWAII as a chibi?! |

This section is dedicated solely to Christi for making the whole thing happen. =D You are the BEST Christi! To show you my
appreciation for not letting me give up on making this website I`m going to spare this section just for you!! ^^ ! For I
hope you enjoy it just as much as I enjoyed making it. You were the whole inspiration for this random mesh of ...stuff! ^-^
And you`re sending me CDs on the offhand knowledge. So yesh! You deserve a page for you! And if I could, I would give you
a cupcake!! (o.O Don`t ask.) So yes. This is dedicated to Christi, also known as Michi! BWAAH BWAAHAHAHAH!!
Oh no! They`re watching us!! =X |


Robin: I like your style, Michi. |

^^ Haruka-san looks so content..How cute... |
Robin: =/ Yeah. Amanda kind of forced me here. |

Robin: The panda told me to thank you. |


Why the hell am I here? |
So clueless the both of them are..... |


Juri: I`m too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts... |

Juri: I`m too sexy for this pic..Soo sexy it hurts! |

Both: Hello! We are just so cute together, ne?? |

<.< And here we have a nice view of Chloe`s backside. |

Haruka: I`m so happy! You`re actually looking at this website!! |
Haruka: Huh?? Did you say something about Michiru? |

When someone offends you...Drink some Arizona tea!!!! =D ::fake smile:: (And the dedication continues forth.)
Chloe: Someone told me that the apple was Noir..? |


Chloe: Just gotta learn to let it go.... |
So this has been a lot of effort on my part. ^^' ::sweat sweat:: but it was well worth it!! I accomplished something and
I`m proud for the first time ever! So don`t ever take the cow`s Graham Crackers. Okay, children??

Juri: Hm. Maybe I can give this rose to Christi... |

Kaoru: Where is Christi? The panda told me to thank her for something... |
Christi!! You`re the best person EVEERRRR! =D You deserve a Deg plushie! So! If you haven`t caught on so far, this page is
dedicated to YOU!!! ^-^ I hoped you liked it!
I know he`s not your Taomikins, but ..WAII!! @.@ |


>.< If this fan art is yours, I stole it. But. Go you! |