Jay Gordon-Ness
Okily-Dokily. If you haven`t heard already,I have a HUGE obssession with lead vocalist of the band Orgy, Jay Gordon. In this
section I have developed a picture gallery of his sexiness. Please enjoy.
Orgy means a band, not what you see below! |

Okay. Below are many pictures of Jay Gordon. If you want to see the actual size of the picture, just click on the thumbnail.
It will go, ::panick... EXPAND:: Ok? Okay!

And there is yet more Jay on this side of the page too!! =D ::frollicks around::

Sorry, but the gallery wouldn`t do without Chloe! |

Or pandas for that matter... |

Ya just gotta love Jay! Not only is he a sexy beast, but he also wears make-up! BWAHAHAHAHAHHA! o____o