So, you made it to my completely random website that is located out of completely no where, eh? Good job! Now (if you search
the whole thing, that is) you`ll leave the site feeling more insecure about yourself than before you even clicked the link
to get here! Why you chose to come "here", I`ll never know, but whatever suits you, suits you. I`m going to put
a yaoi/yuri section, a random rants section, a random song dub section and maybe more. If you come here constantly and notice
none of those sections are actually there, please email me at flesnoitalitum@yahoo.com ? Thanks! I need to highly warn you
though, PLEASE try not to get hit by that DUI twinkie. I don`t want to be charged for something that I had no control over.
(I say this because from experience, MANY are prone to these kinds of things. =X) Anyways though, please enjoy the poptart.
For it melts with the touch of your tongue!
*NEW*[Recent update: ...Sunday... December 5, 2004 at 4:10pm] NEW SECTION! Go check it out! =D (WARNING: It`s immature fun..
Go figure.)
*NEW* [Updated ...Thursday... October 21, 2004 at 10:39pm] This is just a reminder to the people that are visiting this right
now.. I have a huge backlog for my own personal updating chart and if you notice that there is a lack of something new, just
hold on for a couple more days! o___o I have everything listed and ready.. I just need to finish the HTML codes and the linking
structures... =D So please! Come back soon! Reviewing what I`m adding: a puppy section for Chair, hilareously dubbed songs
that I finished a while ago, Chloe`s pictures, and maybe some poetry.. So once again, if you are reading this, it means that
I have not added yet.. Once I add, this update mark will be gone and replaced with the page links for the new stuff. =D Thanks!
*NEW* [Updated ...Saturday... September 25, 2004 at 11:31am] So I noticed that because of past.. Ehhh.. "mess-ups"
I don`t have much more of Chloe around my site. So if this is your first time coming here, you won`t notice any difference.
If it isn`t, you`ll notice a LOT more of Chloe`s sexiness all around the place. Thanks.
*NEW*[Recent update: ...Friday... October 1, 2004 at 9:40pm] [Updated ...Friday... September 3, 2004 at 9:45pm] Amanda added
more pictures of herself. Go check them out!
*NEW* [Updated ..Saturday ..August 28, 2004 at 9:40 pm] Ghosts.. or....?
*NEW* [Updated ...Thursday..3:28am.. August 26, 2004] CHICKENS?!
Alright. This is going to be the area where I post the quote of the day..Or week..or month or year. o___o Just depends on
how frequent I update. So that means that you`ll know how much I update by noticing how many times the quote changes! ^__^
Quote of the day: "When thwacking that turkey... NEVER look back, because if you do the children will glisten.."
>.>.... Uhm... I don`t really know the significance of that quote.. But that just means that I have something to do
now, doesn`t it? It also has something for you to do too! (Yay! I made a difference! ...Well.. ;.; Kind of. )